Top 6 Sports Injuries (and Ways You Can Prevent Them)

Participation in one or more sports is an important element of leading a healthy, active lifestyle that's beneficial for your heart, your lungs, your muscles, and so on. It would have been perfect if playing sports possessed no risks to one's health. However, many athletes tend to perform moves the wrong way, trip and fall, and overuse their muscles. As a result, sports injuries are common. By learning more about some of the most prevalent sports injuries, you can take actions to avoid or lessen your chances of getting hurt.

Read on to discover the six common athletic-related injuries and ways to avoid them.

1. Strains

Since people engage so many muscles when working out or participating in sports, strains are by far the most prevalent of all athletics injuries. All of the moving parts of your body are at risk of stretching further than they should or moving in ways they shouldn't, causing them to tear and become painful. Pulled hamstrings, strained groin muscles, and strained quadriceps are all prevalent muscular strains. The majority of strains are mild and heal on their own with time. Warming up and stretching before participating in the strenuous activity is the greatest strategy to lessen your risk of injury.

2. Sprains

Ligament sprains are similar to muscle strains. Ligaments are the connective tissues between bones that can strain or tear when twisted in the incorrect direction. A sprained ankle is the most common type of sprain among athletes, followed by sprained knees, and sprained elbows and wrists. Sprains typically cause more pain, take longer to heal, and sometimes require immobilization to prevent unwanted consequences.

Stretching and warming up before being physically active can help prevent sprains and improve your skills no matter what sport you're playing. Sprains frequently weaken the ligament, rendering them vulnerable to recurrent sprains. Hence, if you have a history of sprained knees or ankles, consider using a brace to provide the necessary support for joints when playing.

3. An injured knee

The knee is a fairly intricate joint that takes a lot of hits and wears throughout most athletic activities. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, cartilage tearing, dislocations, and fracturing are all prevalent. Your knee pain may be excruciating and unpleasant, requiring surgery in some cases. You can reduce your chance of hurting your knee by properly padding and bracing it, as well as by performing warm-up exercises and adopting proper posture.

4. Fractures

Broken bones (primarily in your limbs are common in impact and contact sports, and they can cause severe symptoms, take weeks to heal, and occasionally require surgical treatment. Fractures are a risk in most rigorous and/or contact sports, but they can be minimized by using proper protection, getting warmed up, working out to maintain muscles strong and flexible, and learning proper techniques, among other things. With all of these things in mind, don't "play through the pain," as that could be a sign of a strain or sprain, which, if ignored, could result in a fracture.

5. Back injuries and back pain

Practically every physical activity puts some strain on the bones and muscles in your spine. This stress can pile up, causing swelling around the vertebrae and back muscles, which can lead to disc damage and painful symptoms in your upper or lower back.

A sudden abrupt impact often can result in an acute back injury. Back treatments range from resting to physiotherapy to surgery, based on the concern. Regular low-impact activities, warmups, and even a healthy diet can help maintain your back muscles stronger, lowering your chance of back pain and injury.

6. Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow can develop even if you're not a tennis player (for example, golf is one of the most common culprits behind this condition). Tennis elbow is one of numerous "repetition injuries," in which the ligaments in the elbow are strained as a result of overuse and repetitive movement. Pacing yourself is the key to avoiding it. Rest properly, engage in other activities, and don't forget to stretch and warm up before engaging in strenuous physical activity. 

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