Common Signs of Thyroid Problems You Should Know

Do you frequently feel tired, sluggish, or unfocused? Do you have difficulty losing weight, no matter how hard you try? If so, it's possible that your thyroid isn't working effectively. Your thyroid is an important gland located in the front of your neck that helps control many functions in your body. It encompasses two lobes—the right and left—which function independently to produce different hormones according to need.

Fundamentally, the thyroid produces hormones that control how fast your body uses energy and what metabolic processes take place in your cells. When something goes awry with the functioning of your thyroid, you may experience a wide range of common signs and symptoms that can impact almost every area of your life.

What is the thyroid gland and how does it function?

The thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck and produces hormones that control how fast your body uses energy and what metabolic processes take place in your cells. The two lobes are called the right and left lobes, which function independently to produce different hormones according to need. When something goes awry with the functioning of your thyroid, you may experience a wide range of common signs and symptoms that can impact almost every area of your life.

Your thyroid gland is an important part of the endocrine system, which functions to regulate our body's metabolism. If you have low thyroid levels, you may experience a lack of energy, weight gain or loss, depressive moods, sex hormone changes (such as hypo- or hyperthyroidism), infertility issues, sleep disturbances, heart disease, and more.

The symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland

Some of the most common signs and symptoms that you may experience as a result of underactive thyroid are fatigue, constipation, low libido, infertility, hair loss, weight gain, or difficulty losing weight. Other symptoms include a slow heart rate, sleep issues, depression, and mood swings. These are all possible indicators that your thyroid gland isn't working as it should. Here are some other common symptoms of an underactive thyroid:

  • Feeling foggy in the morning
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Irregular menstrual periods
The signs of an overactive thyroid gland

If your thyroid is producing too much thyroid-stimulating hormone, this can cause an overactive thyroid. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid are similar to symptoms of hypothyroidism, but they may be aggravated by the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which include weight loss, fatigue, and irritability.

Other common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are having a fast heart rate, feeling overheated all the time, being easily distracted or forgetful because you're so busy thinking about all that's going on around you, and having difficulty sleeping.

How to restore normal thyroid function when it's been disrupted

If you're experiencing the symptoms mentioned above and it seems like your thyroid isn't working correctly, it is essential to visit an endocrinologist. Additionally, there are some natural methods you can use to restore normal function. If you're experiencing problems with a thyroid gland, you can take steps to reverse the condition.

  • Stop eating dairy products: Dairy can be difficult for many people to digest and this may be impacting your thyroid function. If you have a soy allergy, try staying away from soy-based products like tofu.
  • Eat foods high in iodine: Foods rich in iodine include seafood, seaweed, and iodized salt.
  • Eliminate sugar and processed foods: These foods often contribute to hormonal imbalance that may lead to thyroid problems.
  • Take extra vitamin C: Vitamin C helps protect your body against the effects of free radicals that may damage the thyroid gland or cause inflammation in your system.
  • Take a multivitamin that includes selenium: You can also take a supplement containing selenium as part of its formula. Selenium is helpful in balancing levels of thyroid hormones in the body.

However, you should always consult your doctor before using any additional supplements since they can interfere with your prescription treatment. 

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