How to Increase Collagen By Eating the Right Foods

These days, all you seem to see at the cosmetic store are anti-wrinkle products. Do these cosmetics actually work and keep your skin appearing younger? The anti-aging industry is a multibillion-dollar industry. Many of us desire to look younger, making it simple for huge firms to persuade us that their collagen cream would do the trick.

The majority of anti-wrinkle lotions that contain collagen and elastin will do nothing for us because these two substances are structurally too dense to easily penetrate our skin. Unless both of these compounds are extensively processed to make them absorbable, they will remain on the skin's surface, accomplishing nothing.

Collagen is a type of protein that works in conjunction with keratin to provide skin strength, smoothness, elasticity, and resilience. The skin and other tissues of the body create it. Collagen is abundant in the body while you are young, which is why young children have such gorgeous lustrous hair and smooth skin. It's known as the "cement" that ties everything together. When collagen synthesis declines and the skin weakens with age, skin wrinkles, necks sag, and lines around the eyes and lips appear.

The epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are the three layers that make up the skin. The protein collagen is found in the second layer of the skin (dermis). Throughout the dermis, collagen molecules are packed together.

Always keep in mind that anti-aging face treatments containing chemicals can actually age you rather than reverse it. What can be done to help stimulate skin cells and enhance collagen formation if these lotions are ineffective?

There are strategies to assist you to boost the collagen in your skin, but you must first understand what nutrients your body requires.

Soy products

Genistein is a substance found in soy products such as soy milk and cheese. The inclusion of genistein in soy products gives them their collagen-producing properties, as well as aiding in the blocking of enzymes that break down and age the skin. Almost any soy food, even soy products marketed as meat alternatives, has enough genistein to be beneficial.

Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables are another good source of collagen-producing chemicals in the diet. Every day, include dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and kale in your diet. They're high in lutein, a type of antioxidant. To see effects, you'll need 10 milligrams, which is around 4 oz. of spinach or 2 oz. of kale. According to recent French research, this will help restore your hair, improve skin moisture and elasticity, reducing wrinkles. Kale, spinach, collards, and asparagus are high in Vitamin C, which helps to increase the body's ability to create collagen and use it effectively.


Beans aid in the production of hyaluronic acid, a crucial anti-aging ingredient. At least two tablespoons of beans per day are recommended; wide or butter beans can be used in place of mashed potatoes.

Red fruits and vegetables

Red fruits and vegetables are also good sources of collagen to boost the collagen content of your diet. The presence of lycopenes l in these meals acts as an antioxidant, which helps to boost collagen formation. Red peppers, beets, and fresh or stewed tomatoes are all good additions to the diet.

Vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C are natural sources of collagen synthesis. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and strawberries should be included in your regular diet.


Attack by molecules known as free radicals, which break down healthy skin tissues, is one of the leading causes of skin aging. Antioxidants help to neutralize these free radicals before they cause any harm, and prunes have the highest antioxidant content of any fruit. Blueberries come in second. To obtain a wonderful health boost, consume five to six prunes or a small basket of blueberries per day.


Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Skin cells are covered by a fatty layer made up of this and other fats, so the more omega-3 you consume, the thicker that layer becomes, making your skin cells plumper - which helps to hide creases and wrinkles. Blend it into smoothies or combine it with balsamic vinegar for a salad dressing, but aim for at least a tablespoon per day. 

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