7 Facts About Gum Disease That You Should Be Aware Of

Gum disease is a condition that occurs when the number of bacteria in your mouth increases dramatically,leading to gum inflammation. Even though this condition is quite common, it is still surrounded by numerous myths and misconceptions. If you want to prevent the development of gum disease or get the most effective treatment, you should distinguish between myths and facts. Here is a list of seven facts about gum disease that you should be aware of.

1. Gum disease can affect everyone

One of the most common myths about gum disease is that it can affect only the elderly or smokers. Even though smoking and aging are deemed the most common risk factors for gum disease, it doesn't mean that other people can't develop this condition. The reality is that both children and adults can get gum disease, especially if they don't pay much attention to their oral hygiene.

2. Poor oral hygiene can cause gum disease

As mentioned above, insufficient oral hygiene can lead to the development of gum disease. This is because the bacteria in your mouth overgrow and irritate your gums if you don't remove them regularly. Since irritated gums are more susceptible to infection, people who don't maintain proper oral hygiene often develop gum disease.

3. Gum bleeding is a sign of gum disease

If you have noticed that your gums start to bleed during tooth brushing or on their own, it can be a sign that you should make an appointment with a dentist. This is because gum bleeding is deemed one of the most common signs of gingivitis, an initial stage of gum disease. Without timely and accurate treatment, gingivitis can progress and turn into periodontitis that can lead to severe complications.

4. Gum disease can make your teeth loose and fall out

When your gums become infected and inflamed, they can start to shrink. As a result, they can expose the roots of your teeth. Receding gums can lead to teeth sensitivity and teeth loosening. If left untreated, your teeth may lose their support completely and fall out. This means that you may need to get dental implants. To restore your gums before installing dental implants, your dentist may recommend you to undergo gum and bone grafting.

5. Heredity and some other factors can increase your risk of gum disease

Even though oral hygiene is deemed the most common cause of gum disease, there are some risk factors that can put you at risk of gum disease even if you take care of your oral cavity. For example, if you smoke, your gums can recede and become irritated, which can increase your risk of inflammation. A family history of gum disease, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, vitamin C deficiency, and teeth grinding can also make you more prone to gum disease.

6. Advanced gum disease can't be cured completely

It is essential to understand that the earlier you start gum disease treatment, the more effective it will be. This is because the advanced stage of gum disease, called periodontitis, can't be cured completely. However, you can manage your symptoms with the help of medications, proper oral hygiene, and some surgical procedures.

7. It is much easier to prevent gum disease than treat it

If you are predisposed to gum disease or simply want to eliminate your risk of getting this condition, you need to pay sufficient attention to the condition of your oral cavity. Firstly, you need to brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day and use dental floss to clean the space between your teeth from food particles and plaque daily. Secondly, you need to visit a dentist twice a year for an examination. A professional dentist can recognize the early signs of gum disease and prescribe the effective treatment. 

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