7 Common Causes of Toothache You Shouldn’t Neglect

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to toothache. You may eat a cold ice-cream or get a hit into your jaw to experience unbearable pain and discomfort in your mouth. Even though pain medication and some home remedies can manage toothache, only a dentist can help treat its underlying cause.

Many people think that tooth decay is the only cause of toothache and don't rush to the dentist's office. However, thorough examination and timely treatment can prevent the development of various complications and severe conditions. In this article, we have gathered seven common causes of toothache you shouldn't neglect.

1. Cavities

Tooth decay, also called cavities or caries, is considered one of the most common causes of toothache. It occurs when the tooth enamel becomes too weak because of acids. These acids are produced by bacteria that inhabit your oral cavity. They eat dental plaque and food particles that remain in your mouth.

The main problem is that caries usually causes toothache only when it becomes quite severe. In this case, it is essential to fill the cavities as soon as possible to prevent the spread of tooth decay.

2. Teeth fracture

Teeth fracture is an extremely painful condition that occurs because of the hit or fall. In some cases, only a tip of the tooth can break. In this case, it can be almost painless. However, it is essential to visit a dentist since sharp edges of the tooth can scratch the inner checks and/or tongue.

When the fracture is significant, you may need to replace the missing part of the tooth with a dental crown. If the tooth completely fell out, you should replace it with a dental implant to prevent problems with chewing and facial asymmetry. Moreover, the dentist should examine your oral cavity since the tiny pieces of the tooth can stick in soft tissues.

3. Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a condition in which the pus accumulates near the tooth because of the infection. It can cause pain, teeth sensitivity, fever, bad breath, and problems with chewing.

An abscess can be quite dangerous. If left untreated, the pocket with the pus can burst and it can spread to your jaw, neck, and even brain. It is essential to visit a dentist if you have noticed at least some of the symptoms listed above.

4. Damaged dental restoration

Loose dental crowns, old implants, and damaged fillings can also cause pain and discomfort. You should understand that bad-quality and old dental restorations may detach. As a result, food particles, dental plaque, and bacteria can fill the space and contribute to tooth decay.

If you have noticed that your dental restorations become shifted or damaged, it is essential to replace them. Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

5. Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, means jaw clenching that can cause toothache and jaw pain. Bruxism can occur when you sleep or when you are awake. In most cases, teeth grinding affects children but they tend to give up bruxism as they age.

Excessive teeth grinding can lead to the enamel wear that makes teeth sensitive. You can use a special night guard to prevent night bruxism or control your habits throughout the day if you have awake bruxism.

6. Gum disease

Gum disease can also make your teeth hurt. This condition occurs when the gums become inflamed. Mild gum disease (gingivitis) causes gum bleeding, tenderness, and swelling. If left untreated, it can lead to gum pockets that accumulate bacteria and food particles.

Advanced gum disease (periodontitis) can cause loose teeth and toothache. Gum pockets expose the sensitive parts of the teeth that were covered with gums and protected from various irritants.

7. Wisdom teeth eruption

When children undergo teeth eruption, they tend to cry and suffer from pain. The eruption of wisdom teeth can also be extremely painful and cause significant discomfort. In most cases, wisdom teeth erupt between 17 and 25 years of age. However, some people experience this process earlier or later.

Wisdom teeth eruption can be accompanied by fever, inflammation of the soft tissues, and bleeding. Moreover, the wisdom tooth can press on the neighboring teeth and damage them over time. If you experience any complications related to wisdom teeth eruption, it is better to visit a dentist for examination and proper treatment. 

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