6 Dental Issues That Can Cause Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity is a condition in which a tooth responds to irritants with a sharp pain that lasts for a few seconds. Your teeth can become sensitive when you eat sweet foods, drink hot tea, or even inhale cold air. It is important to understand that there are a lot of factors that can make your teeth sensitive. In this article, we have gathered six dental issues that can cause teeth sensitivity.

1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay (cavity or caries) is a hole in the tooth that develops when acids wear out tooth enamel. These acids are produced by bacteria that inhabit your oral cavity. A cavity can develop asymptomatically or cause increased tooth sensitivity or pain. But when the condition progresses, the pain can become severe. So if you have noticed that your teeth have become sensitive or painful, contact a dentistry center for a thorough exam and treatment.

2. Gum disease

Even though gum disease is supposed to affect only gums, it can significantly worsen the condition of your oral cavity in general. The point is that gum disease can lead to gum recession in which gums shrinks and expose sensitive roots of the tooth. That's why people with gum disease can experience teeth sensitivity. In this case, you need to visit a dentist as soon as possible. You should understand that the initial stage of gum disease (gingivitis) can be easily treated while advanced gum disease (periodontitis) can't be cured.

3. Enamel erosion

Enamel erosion is a condition in which the tooth enamel becomes thin or even disappears. The most common symptoms of enamel erosion include:

  • Increased teeth sensitivity
  • Cracks and chips on the teeth
  • Teeth discoloration
  • Indentations on the surface of your teeth
  • Stains on the teeth
  • Translucent teeth

Enamel erosion can occur because of increased consumption of acidic food and drinks, aggressive tooth brushing, teeth grinding, acid reflux, and regular use of certain medications (like antihistamines and aspirin).

4. Dental abscess

A dental abscess occurs when the infection penetrates the tooth and leads to the development of a sac with pus. Without timely and proper treatment, this sac can burst. As a result, pus can spread to the jaw, neck, and even brain. A dental abscess usually manifests itself through tooth sensitivity, toothache, bad breath, tender and swollen gums, and unpleasant taste in the mouth. If you have noticed at least some of these symptoms, make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.

5. Tooth fracture

Tooth fracture is a quite serious issue that can cause severe pain and sensitivity. The fractгre can be horizontal and vertical. Additionally, you can chip a small part of the tooth. In this case, you may not experience any severe symptoms or have only teeth sensitivity. However, any type of tooth fracture should be examined by a dentist. You may need to undergo dental bonding or get a veneer or crown to restore the damaged tooth.

6. Old dental restorations

It is important to understand that all dental restorations tend to wear over time and it is better to check them on a regular basis. Loose dental fillings or dental crowns can also lead to the development of increased teeth sensitivity, tooth decay, and other complications. If you have old or loose dental restorations, it is better to visit a dentist and replace them as soon as possible.

The bottom line

If you have noticed that your teeth have become sensitive, there is no reason to delay your dental appointment. Timely and accurate treatment can help get rid of increased teeth sensitivity and improve your condition. 

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