6 Alarming Signs of Various Foot Issues You Should Know

 There are a lot of conditions that can affect your feet. Some of them can be cured easily while others may require complicated and prolonged treatment. It is essential to pay enough attention to your feet and treat all foot disease on time. In this article, we have gathered six alarming signs of various foot issues you should know.

1. Rough skin

Thick rough skin on your soles, heels, or toes can be caused by uncomfortable shoes and other factors. Depending on the place and type of condition, these areas are called corns or calluses.

Both these conditions should be evaluated by a foot doctor especially if you have diabetes or problems with blood circulation. You can remove corns and calluses with the help of pumice stone but surgical treatment for corns is more effective.

2. Redness and itching

If your feet are red and itchy, it may be a sign of fungal infection. Fungi prefer to live and multiply in a warm and humid environment. That's why people who have sweaty feet are more prone to this condition. It also often affects athletes that wear closed shoes so another term for fungal infection is athlete's foot.

There is a great variety of treatments for fungal infection on the market. You can use antifungal creams, ointments, foot baths, and other options. However, it is better to visit a doctor for a thorough examination and more effective treatment.

3. Foot pain

Pain in your feet can be a sign of various diseases. The most common of them are:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Fallen arches
  • Gout
  • Injuries

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. This condition can cause pain in the morning and after exercising. Plantar fasciitis requires treatment since it can significantly affect your way of life.

4. Bumps near big toes

If you have noticed a bony bump near your big toe, it can be a bunion. This condition occurs when the big toe shifts out of the alignment and protrudes sideways. Some people think that bunions are growths and try to remove them. However, it can do more harm than good.

Bunions should be treated by a specialist. Various orthotics can help ease pain and prevent the aggravation of bunions but surgical treatment is the only way to remove a bunion.

5. Inflammation near toenails

When toenails puncture the skin and tissues, it can cause pain and inflammation. Ingrown toenails can occur due to heredity (inherited toenail form) or narrow shoes. When a shoe presses on the toe, it forces the toenail to grow into the skin.

At the initial stages, an ingrown toenail can be asymptomatic but if left untreated, it can lead to inflammation. Over time, it can lead to suppuration. You can prevent the development of ingrown toenails by thorough shoe choice and proper toenail care.

6. Warts

Plantar warts are small growths that usually appear on the heels or other p[art of your feet. They tend to be pressed into the skin and the pressure causes pain in the affected area. Plantar warts are harmless and can disappear without treatment. However, they can cause unbearable pain that is hard to ignore.

Plantar warts are caused by human papillomavirus. That's why they are contagious and can be caught in public swimming pools and showers. If you have plantar warts that interfere with walking, visit your foot doctor to remove them.

The bottom line

Some of the symptoms listed above can significantly affect your gait and interfere with daily activity. That's why it is essential to visit a foot doctor every time you experience some unpleasant symptoms in your feet. Early diagnosis makes the treatment easier and faster. 

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