5 Risk Factors for Back Pain That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Do you have trouble with your back? You aren't the only one who feels this way. According to epidemiological research released by the National Institutes of Health, 80% of people will have back pain at some point during their lives.

Back pain is the second leading cause of work-related impairment and time off. To ease their aches and pains, most chronic patients turn to drugs, heating pads, and massage. But when is it appropriate to consult a spine surgeon? First of all, it is essential to define the exact cause of your pain and which factors can aggravate your condition. Here is a list of five risk factors for back pain that you shouldn't ignore.

1. Inactive lifestyle

Back muscle weakness can result in back pain and is a major cause of recurrence. In people with persistent back pain, pain-induced reflex inhibition causes back muscular atrophy and ligament and joint stiffness. Due to discomfort and stiffness, patients limit their activities, resulting in muscular weakening and tension. These gradually worsen the discomfort, creating a vicious cycle.

Back pain is associated with physical inactivities, like hours spent watching TV or video. Swimming and soccer are two sports that have been linked to a lower prevalence of back discomfort. Walking and running 20 minutes a day, more than three times a week, according to some research, had a considerable protective impact on low back pain. Back muscles help to support the spine and keep it stable.

2. Age

Back pain affects the majority of people as they age. Back discomfort becomes more frequent as you get older, beginning around the age of 30 or 40. For example. older people are more prone to develop osteoporosis which often results in fractures. Furthermore, spinal stenosis worsens with age owing to lose of cushioning and decreased muscle suppleness in the vertebrae.

3. Poor posture

The relationship between spinal position and back pain, on the other hand, is not entirely recognized. Back pain was shown to be strongly associated with flexed and rotated lumbar spine postures. Sitting posture reduces lumbar lordosis while increasing low back muscular activity, disc pressure, and pressure on the ischium, all of which are connected with the development of back pain.

Disc degeneration is a prevalent cause of persistent back pain. The pathogenesis of lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) is complicated and not completely understood. LDD is thought to be a complex condition involving a variety of genetic and environmental variables, as well as their interactions. Heavy physical loads, trauma, bending, twisting, and extended non-neutral work postures have all been linked to disc degeneration. These are some of the reasons why poor posture is strongly linked to the development of back pain.

4. Obesity

Excess body weight places additional strain on your back. Obesity has a substantial connection with lumbar-sacral radicular discomfort. Certain case-control studies have found a link between increasing body mass index (BMI) and lumbar disc herniation. Lumbar disc herniation is a common cause of lower back pain and lumbosacral radiculopathy.

5. Pregnancy

Many women experience back pain during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Pregnancy-related back pain is a serious health issue that can result in long-term back pain and disability. It is thought that, in addition to biological issues, emotional and social variables may play a role in back discomfort during pregnancy.

Pelvic alterations induced by increased weight gain during pregnancy might result in lower back pain that doesn't always go away after delivery. Descriptive research discovered that 72 percent of pregnant women experienced low back discomfort and pelvic pain. Increased BMI and joint hypermobility are important predictors of low back pain and pelvic discomfort during and after pregnancy. 

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