5 Common Menstrual Issues You Should Know

Despite the fact that periods can't be considered pleasant, many women are looking forward to them. Indeed, regular and normal in general menstruation can be one of the signs that a woman's reproductive health is in good condition. However, there are a lot of conditions that can make your periods strange. In this article, we gathered five common menstrual issues you should know.

1. Severe cramping during periods

Severe pain and cramping during periods can't be considered normal despite the common misbelief. It is important to understand that periods may cause a slight discomfort but not pain. If you experience an unbearable pain that can't be eliminated with the help of OTC painkiller or other home remedies, it's high time to visit a gynecologist.

Dysmenorrhea (pain during periods) should be evaluated by a doctor. Many women with severe periods were diagnosed with certain underlying conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, etc. the reality is that these issues may develop asymptomatically and could only intensify your menstrual cramping.

2. Heavy blood flow during periods

Heavy periods means that you have increased blood flow or prolonged periods. In this case, periods may interfere with your normal activity because you have to watch your clothes and replace a tampon or pad every few hours. You should also know that women with heavy blood flow during periods may develop anemia.

The most common causes of heavy periods include:

  • Abnormal thickening of the endometrium
  • PCOS
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Uterine fibroid and polyps
  • Adenomyosis
  • Reproductive system cancer

Due to the numerous possible causes of your heavy bleeding, it is essential to visit a gynecologist. Some of the conditions listed above can cause severe complications like infertility. Moreover, reproductive system cancer can become life-threatening if left untreated.

3. Missed periods

Many women think that a missed period can mean only pregnancy or menopause. The reality is that there are a great number of conditions and factors that can make your periods stop. If you are stressed, your periods may disappear for a certain period of time because your brain maintains functions that are necessary to avoid an imminent threat. The other functions (like reproductive) are considered minor.

Hormonal issues are one of the most common causes of missed period. PCOS and thyroid conditions can make your periods late or even missed. Timely and proper treatment may help manage their symptoms and improve your reproductive health.

4. Irregular periods

If your menstrual cycle becomes irregular and periods don't start within 21 to 40 days, it's high time to make an appointment with your gynecologist. You may also have irregular periods if the number of days your period lasts or the amount of blood you lose during periods varies.

Irregular periods can be caused by hormonal disorders, fibroids, polyps overgrowth, or medication. For example, if you start to take hormonal birth control, the length of your menstrual cycle may vary. Moreover, women who have reached perimenopause may also experience irregular periods.

5. Smelly menstrual blood

When your menstruation blood has a "metal" smell, it can be considered normal. However, if you have noticed an unpleasant odor, it may be a sign of an infection. For example, bacterial vaginosis can make your periods smell "fishy". Bacterial vaginosis usually occurs because of the bacteria overgrowth in the vagina.

You should also know that an unpleasant smell can appear due to poor hygiene during periods. Your menstrual blood is a perfect place for various bacteria. If you don't wash them away, they start to multiply and produce an unpleasant smell. A forgotten tampon can also be a cause of the rotten odor. Moreover, it can contribute to bacteria overgrowth and infection. 

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